Our Priorities
"We continue to develop an evidence base that will underpin our advocacy work."
Connectivity is a challenge for Melbourne's north. Current and continuing population growth has implications for continued congestion, which is severe in comparison to other regions of Melbourne. And increasing public transport demand is placing pressure on the existing systems.
Large time spent travelling to the CBD has social and health implications and limited ability to move across suburbs results in long commutes. A connected population leads to greater access to jobs and services.
Reports and resources
Upfield Duplication and Extension
The video
Advocacy position
Community Electric Vehicles Transition Plan
NCA response to report recommendations
Northern Region Transport Strategy (NRTS)
Northern Region Transport Study - Bus Network
Bus Network report - Better Bus Connections Fact Sheets
La Trobe University fact sheet
Release of Northern Region Transport Study and Bus Networking Reports
Summary of reports and NCA response
Northern Trails 2022
Melbourne’s north is characterised by diversity, including in socio-economic, health and educational indicators. Our region has areas of disadvantage that deserve to be addressed and increased investment has the potential to influence these indicators in a positive way. Population growth will also increase requirements for hospital and social services into the future, paving the way for expansion of jobs in the health sector to meet the needs of our growing and diverse community.
Community wellbeing across Melbourne's north
Delivering a new Hospital for the north
A Greener North advocacy position ​
Gender equity and ending family violence advocacy position
Unprecedented population growth combined with major economic and social challenges for global and local economies continue to have a significant impact on Melbourne’s north. It is imperative that new opportunities for business and employment growth are identified and nurtured.
Melbourne's North Investment Attraction Strategy and Prospectus
Melbourne's North Investment Prospectus
Melbourne's North Investment Attraction Strategy
Inclusive Employment Program
Affordable housing for key workers
Melbourne's north: an economic narrative
Contemporary regional planning increasingly focuses on establishing cooperative relationships among local government and other stakeholders to collaborate on complex challenges.